Thank you for visiting Saints alive!—a healthy place for kids to explore, create, play, learn, discover, and grow in the Orthodox Faith! Saints alive! features lots of interactive games and puzzles, in a colorful, fun environment, all with an Orthodox theme. The games are suitable for kids from ages 5 on up.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a "beta" version of the program, and you may find bugs or missing content.
Saints alive! is a project of the Department of Internet Ministries of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. We are pleased to make this resource available. Be sure to check back frequently, as we plan to add more games, more content, and more fun experiences.
CLICK HERE to return to the Saints alive! environment where you can play any of the games. You can also independently play one of the seven games or puzzles:
Coloring Book Game | Jigsaw Puzzle | Memory Game
Word Finder Game | Crossword Puzzle | "Mystery Icon" Puzzle
"WordMan" Game
You will need the Flash™ Player version 9 to play the games.

We welcome your comments and suggestions. To contact us, please email games@goarch.org.
All content is copyright © 2008 the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. All rights reserved.